join the hive

Help us open up a two-way conversation between young people and the government.

Apply now for 2025!

our future is being shaped by the decisions being made right now in government. young people should be involved in these big decisions, and we need your help to make that happen!

What is the hive?

The Hive is a project established through a collab between taiohi, the Ministry of Youth Development, and creative agency Curative.

Every year we bring together a group of Hivers: young people who care deeply about what the future looks like for their friends, whānau, and communities. This rōpū works to open a two-way conversation between young people and the government.

How does the hive create change?

We engage young people in political processes, and amplify their voices government.

We invite young people to speak about what matters to them in safe and easy ways.

We capture the voices of young people across the motu and communicate this to decision-makers.

We use creativity to translate policy and help young people understand what’s happening in government.

What's the commitment?

To be a part of The Hive you must:

  • Be available to attend our Hiver hui in Tāmaki Makaurau on 14th, 15th & 16th April 2025 (we will cover the costs!)
  • Join our fortnightly online hui (1hr each fortnight across the year, at times that suit the rōpū)
  • Play an active role in our Slack chat
  • Be part of The Hive events, workshops, and gatherings every few months. Some will be online, others in person, and we will always cover your travel costs and make sure there is kai!

What do you get for your mahi?

You’ll get paid regularly for your contributions, work alongside a group of Hive alumni who can mentor you, and gain a tonne of new experience.

You’ll also get opportunities to meet and engage with key decision-makers in and around government, advocating for taiohi (young people).

We are now recruiting FOR OUR 2025 rōpū!


If you’re keen to help amplify youth voice on issues that matter then this is the opportunity for you.

We're looking for people who are:

  • Aged 16 – 24, from anywhere in Aotearoa

  • Keen to share your whakaaro (ideas)

  • Curious to learn about other people

  • Creative and love to make things

  • Understand the power of social media

  • Comfortable talking to camera

  • Keen to try something new

If this sounds like you…

Put together a one-minute video that answers these questions.

1. What do you think are the most important issues for young people in Aotearoa right now?

2. What change do you think young people would like to see in Aotearoa?

The video you create can be as simple or as creative as you like – but it must include your voice. We want to get to know you and understand how you’re connected to other young people in your community.  

Videos should be uploaded to YouTube with a unlisted link.

...Then apply!

Fill in the application form below*
Any questions? Reach out at
Applications close at midnight on Sunday 30th March 2025

*All fields required

Why do you want to join The Hive?
How would your friends and community describe you?
Tell us a bit about the communities you're part of.
What issues matters most to you and your communities?
Anything else you want to tell us about yourself?
Your submission has been received!
We'll be in touch in early April with updates and next steps.
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

What happens if i get selected?

if successful, you will need to:

  • Attend our Kick off hui in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) on MONday 14th, Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th April 2025

  • For those outside of Tāmaki Makaurau, please also be available for transport the day before and/or after the hui

At this hui we will connect with each other, learn about The Hive, and dream together about the season ahead. We will utilise a tuakana-teina model of sharing knowledge – connecting past members with new members.

We will cover the costs of your travel, accommodation, and kai.

Got a question?

We want this application process to be accessible and easy to understand. If there is something we can do to make this process better for you, please let us know. We are also available to answer any questions you might have about this kaupapa.

Send us an email at and let us know if you want to talk to one of our team.