Kia ora koutou,

Welcome to the first edition of the official newsletter from The Hive!

It’s so good to see you here. As you know, here at The Hive we’re a rōpū of young people who act as a bridge between taiohi and government. We’re non-partisan and we’re not a youth advisory group – we’re an amplifier of youth voice. Every year when a new Hive season is recruited, we engage with young people on the issues that matter to them and use a range of different ways to communicate that to decision-makers like yourself.

And one of those ways is this super lime fresh newsletter! We’re a lil bit excited to launch our newsy into the world. We’re keen for our newsletter to be a space where you can hear directly from taiohi across the motu about what’s on top for them, in ways that feel right for them. Even better, this is an inbox-clogging-free zone, e hoa! This edition is part of a coveted collection of only four per year – we’ll be sending out a newsletter every three months.

In this newsletter, you’ll find:

  • What we heard during this year’s Hive recruitment process when it comes to the most urgent issues for young people today.
  • An update on the new Hive rōpū and our two-day wānanga with current and previous members of The Hive.
  • Updates on our latest projects including a deep-dive with decision-makers like yourself.
  • Tips for engaging with taiohi and reminders about other cool stuff happening around the motu.

So welcome to our world. Ultimately, this newsletter is a space to communicate what The Hive is hearing from young people across the country. Thanks so much for listening. Let’s keep the lines open!

Ngā mihi nui,

The Hive

Climate change, Mental Health, Palestine, Cost of Living  

These were the most consistent messages that came through loud and clear from young people during the Hive recruitment process in March, as well as at our first wānanga. This is what’s on top of many young people’s minds right now, and should be top of your mind when you’re thinking and planning for our futures.



“Looking after our people and planet are the two main issues that matter most to me. I don't think we can have one without the other, I believe they go hand in hand. This means lifting everyone out of poverty in Aotearoa, and creating robust environmental policies.”

— Taiohi, 20



“Mental health affects individuals from all walks of life, and ensuring access to adequate support is crucial for the well-being of our communities. Addressing this issue can lead to healthier and more resilient individuals, families, and communities overall.”

— Taiohi, 20



“I have more recently found a family in the overlapping activist communities protesting the humanitarian crisis in Palestine and the ongoing environmental crisis. From these fellow activists, I have learnt so much about organising, mobilising, uniting groups, promoting a cause and effectively communicating with people who disagree.”

— Taiohi, 23



“It is disappointing that I’m having to pay $10,000 for my uni hall even before I start university, and have a student loan… paying $22,000 for a hall that doesn’t even cater for us during the uni breaks.”

— Taiohi, 18

Say hello to The Hive Season 4!

Introducing The Hive Season 4! We are made up of seven tuakana (previous Hivers), Lochie, Elliot, Eilidh, Joanne, Malisha, Sean and Tia, and ten teina (new Hivers) Keanu, Tahuariki, Rosalie, Kawhia, Pieta, Rebecca, Michael, Hannah, Magdalene, and Sam. Kia ora and HELLO!

The recruitment process this year saw over 60 submissions from taiohi from all over the motu and every applicant had something powerful to say about what matters to them. In addition to the issues we’ve highlighted above, young people spoke about the high cost of public transport, the power of arts and creativity to spark social change, and the perils of mis- and disinformation online.

Last month we held our first wānanga, where our tuakana and teina came together to build connections and chat about what being part of The Hive is all about. We also used the opportunity to distil our thoughts and bring creative expression to the issues our communities care about. The poem below was created by one of our Hivers, Pieta, in our first wānanga.

Most importantly, we began the work of uncovering our combined skills, strengths and ways we want to work together to help connect you with taiohi around Aotearoa.

Unlocking ways to work with you

From October to December 2023, through workshops, in-depth interviews and an online survey, we engaged over 100 decision-makers across 30 government agencies to understand how The Hive might be able to support decision-makers in amplifying youth voice in your mahi.

The Hive identified four key areas of opportunities, and have outlined five recommendations for The Hive moving forward. You can find the full report and three-page summary below.

Read the summary

Read the full report

We hustled to ensure taiohi had their say

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons Learned, Te Tira Ārai Urutā partnered with The Hive to increase awareness of the Inquiry with young people and to make sure they had their say.

We created a suite of social content helping taiohi understand the importance of responding to the Inquiry and letting them know how they could do that. During the engagement we reached almost 50,000 accounts, which saw over 3,000 clickthroughs to the submission page.

If you’re keen to find out how we could support your engagement kaupapa, get in touch below.

Get in touch

Our website got a glow up!

Along with this newsletter, we’ve updated our website. There, you can find a whole lot more info on our work, past projects, and the different ways you can engage with us.

Go check it out!

Youth Week

Youth Week is May 20-26, led by Ara Taiohi. Youth Week seeks to amplify youth voices and celebrates the meaningful contribution young people make to our communities all over Aotearoa.

Check out the website here to see events happening in your communities!


Pink Shirt Day is coming up on May 17! By taking part in the Mental Health Foundation’s Pink Shirt Day 2024, you will be doing your part to eliminate bullying by celebrating diversity and promoting kindness and inclusion.

There’s lots of ways you can help your school, workplace and community get involved, and the pink tees this year are epic!

Check out their Insta

If you’re a public sector decision-maker, we can help you engage with young people and centre their perspectives in your mahi. Whether it’s about gathering insights about what’s on top for taiohi, or gathering youth perspectives on policies or reforms, we love finding ways to support your work, and helping to ensure the voices of taiohi are front and centre.

You can find more info on the different ways we work here, and feel free to get in touch with us any time!

Contact us