Did the mahi, got the treats

We’ve been busy.

From helping decision-makers across government to engage with taiohi, to supporting young people unpack and better understand the issues that matter, here’s a bunch of projects we’ve done so far.

Voices for Change

Prepared for Pae Ora – Healthy Futures, Manatū Hauora

Over a period of two weeks in mid-2023, 90 young people generously shared their experiences of the health system with 11 peer interviewers from The Hive. The result was the Voices for Change report. Voices for Change is a substantial report that centres the human impact of healthcare strategy and decision-making. What was heard loud and clear: when healthcare providers have dedicated time to genuinely get to know the many aspects of a young person, they are better able to provide tailored care and generate trust and safety.

Deep Dive with Decision-Makers: Insights & Recommendations

Prepared by Curative for Ministry of Youth Development and The Hive.

From October to December 2023, The Hive All Stars set out to better understand the barriers that decision-makers experience around youth engagement and aimed to discover opportunities to do things differently. Through workshops, in-depth interviews and an online survey, we engaged over 100 decision-makers across 30 agencies to understand how The Hive might be able to support decision-makers in amplifying youth voice in their mahi. The Hive identified four key areas of opportunities, and have outlined five key recommendations for The Hive moving forward.

Regulations of Residential Property Managers

For Department of Housing and Urban Development

In autumn 2022 we held a number of ‘flat chats’ with young people and asked our Instagram community about their current experiences of renting, their experiences of property managers and other landlords, and their hopes and needs for these reforms. Young people told us they wanted landlords to be held accountable to providing two things: a warmer, dryer, safer rental product, and a more tenant-centred tenancy service.

Adoption Law Reform

For Ministry of Justice

We hosted a seven-day kōrero with The Hive’s Instagram community about Adoption Law Reform in spring 2021. By focusing on inclusive themes like identity, belonging, nurturing and family, and sending clear signals to Māori, Pasifika and Rainbow young people that we wanted to hear their voices, we received hundreds of written and poll responses, from a diverse range of taiohi.

Emissions Reduction Plan

For Ministry for the Environment

In 2021, The Hive engaged with young people across Aotearoa on the emissions reduction plan on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment. We created four weeks of interactive Instagram content focused on the issues young people told us mattered most – transport, waste, home, energy, kai, rangatahi Māori and mahi. This engagement received 1,419 written and poll submissions from young people aged 13-24.

Content Regulation Reforms

For Department of Internal Affairs

In autumn 2022 we engaged with young people about content so their voices could shape the Department of Internal Affairs’ Content Regulation Reforms. We ran a two-week public engagement on Instagram which asked about the yuck, the yum, the harm and young people's hopes when it comes to content. This resulted in 729 responses. We then offered taiohi the opportunity to have a one-on-one kōrero with The Hive in their Instagram DMs. We had an overwhelming response from young people from across Aotearoa.

Adoption Law Reform

For Ministry of Justice

We hosted a seven-day kōrero with The Hive’s Instagram community about Adoption Law Reform in spring 2021. By focusing on inclusive themes like identity, belonging, nurturing and family, and sending clear signals to Māori, Pasifika and Rainbow young people that we wanted to hear their voices, we received hundreds of written and poll responses, from a diverse range of taiohi.

Adoption Law Reform

For Ministry of Justice

We hosted a seven-day kōrero with The Hive’s Instagram community about Adoption Law Reform in spring 2021. By focusing on inclusive themes like identity, belonging, nurturing and family, and sending clear signals to Māori, Pasifika and Rainbow young people that we wanted to hear their voices, we received hundreds of written and poll responses, from a diverse range of taiohi.

Draft Climate Advice

For Climate Change Commission

The Climate Change Commission engaged The Hive to host a conversation with young people on how they believed Aotearoa should respond to the looming threat of climate change. This conversation was held in parallel with the Commission’s public engagement campaign on the draft advice package in summer 2021.

Proactive Housing Korero

For Ministry of Youth Development

In winter 2021 we asked young people in our Instagram community and at the popular Festival for the Future to share their current experience of home, and their hopes and fears for their home in the future. Hundreds of young people responded, and told us that right now home is cold, expensive, cramped and damp, and their biggest housing hope is simply their human right – access to a secure, habitable, accessible and affordable place to call home.

Hi-Vis: Demystifying politics

The Hi-Vis Series is an ongoing video series where Hivers break down some of the topics that can make politics confusing.

Adoption Law Reform

For Ministry of Justice

We hosted a seven-day kōrero with The Hive’s Instagram community about Adoption Law Reform in spring 2021. By focusing on inclusive themes like identity, belonging, nurturing and family, and sending clear signals to Māori, Pasifika and Rainbow young people that we wanted to hear their voices, we received hundreds of written and poll responses, from a diverse range of taiohi.

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